Manual de utilização das principais funções do programa computacional ArcView 3.2 no apoio à agricultura de precisão.
Manual de utilização das principais funções do programa computacional ArcView 3.2 no apoio à agricultura de precisão.
Autoria: SHIRATSUCHI, L. S.; SANO, E. E.; BEZERRA, H. da S.
Resumo: ABSTRACT: As the Precision Agriculture (PA) concepts consider that the agricultural fields are heterogeneous and need to be managed accouting for spatial variability, the soil fertility, crop yield and pest maps have to be generated by using specific softwares for data gathering and analysis. In this type of data, the geographical positions are crucial. Nowadays, several Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are available, facilitating the analysis of several tematic maps and helping the technicians to take decisions regarding the crop managements. In Brazil, there is a great demand for GIS training from agriculturists, consultants and other PA users, especially for the AcrView GIS 3.2 software package. A number of publications and tutorials are available in the web. Few of them are in Portuguese. The objective of this manual is to provide tools to quality everyone interested in the use of basic functions available in the ArcView GIS 3.2 software in a practical and timely way. This study does not intend to demonstrate the potential of this package neither the reference of commercial products means endorsement or recommendation to use by the authors.
Ano de publicação: 2005
Tipo de publicação: Folhetos
Unidade: Embrapa Cerrados
Palavras-chave: Agricultura de Precisão, Mapa, Precision farming, Sistema de Informação Geográfica
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