Biossegurança de alimentos transgênicos.

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Autoria: ANDRADE, S. R. M. de

Resumo: ABSTRACT: The use of transgenic plants on the human diet is a matter of great concern for the scientific community and the public in general. However, it is important to consider that before the release for human consumption, transgenic foods are submitted to an extensive series of rigorous tests. These tests includes the characterization of the expressed protein, in vitro digestibility and oral evaluation of acute toxicity in mice, studies of the structural homology of the protein with other known toxic proteins, allergenic potential and nutritional equivalence. Questions about the true risks of transgenic food for human health cannot be answered in general terms, but we can expect a lower potential risk when compared to another type of food that did not was submitted to such rigorous tests. In 2002, a document released by WHO affirms that transgenic foods sold in the international market had successfully passed several tests and do not present any risks for human health. In addition, no detectable effect was observed in the health of the population of the countries in which transgenic food are currently consumed. The present contribution describes the steps through which every transgenic plant aimed for used on the human diet needs to pass until it reachs the consumer table.

Ano de publicação: 2004

Tipo de publicação: Folhetos

Unidade: Embrapa Cerrados


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