Utilização do húmus de minhoca como adubo orgânico para a mandioca em solo de Cerrado.

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Autoria: MIRANDA, L. N. de; FIALHO, J. de F.; CARVALHO, J. L. H. de; MIRANDA, J. C. C. de

Resumo: ABSTRACT: The production system with cassava has been increased in the Cerrado Bioma, where the soils are naturally acid with low nutrients content. Cassava is usually cultivated with low or no inputs of lime and fertilizers. Nevertheless, it has been found responses of cassava to those inputs, mainly to phosphate fertilization, since the continuous cropping may exaust the soil nutrients which are already in a very low status. On the other hand, the utilization of organic amendments may improve the soil fertility conditions and benefit the cassava growth. The utilization of humus has promoted an increase in cassava production in levels similar to that obtained with chemical fertilizers. It must be pointed out that the volume of the humus in the efficient level high, and should be considered the costs of transport and application in the field.

Ano de publicação: 2004

Tipo de publicação: Folhetos

Unidade: Embrapa Cerrados


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