Trigo BRS 207: cultivar com alto potencial de produtividade indicada para os estados de Minas Gerais, Goiás e o Distrito Federal.

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Summary: ABSTRACT: The wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivar BRS 207 was selected in the Savannah Research Centre of Embrapa, Planaltina, DF, Brazil, for cultivation in Minas Gerais, Goiás States and the Federal District. It originated from crosses between cultivar Mexicana Seri 82 and PF 813 breeding line. Following several years of progeny selection in segregation generations, the line CPAC 9186 was obtained. The new is recommended to irrigated sowings, during the dry season period. It was chosen by its yielding ability, superior to existing cultivars, resistance to lodging and industrial quality.

Publication year: 2005

Types of publication: Booklets


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