Inseminação artificial em ovinos.
Inseminação artificial em ovinos.
Autoria: FERRA, J. de C.; SERENO, J. R. B.
Resumo: ABSTRACT: The aim of this review is to show and illustrate an way clear and objective of the aspects involved in the artificial insemination in sheep. In this species the potential is great, therefore it is early in its productive and reproductive aspects, with eminence to the short interval between generations. In the program of artificial insemination (AI) the evaluation of the reproductive male is important and testicle, scrotal sac, penis and prepuce must be observed, and still, good libido, masculine aspects and espermograma inside of the normality standards. Some forms of collection and semen manipulation are described. The females must be selected by weight and age, or when reach 65% a 70% of adult weight, and that form reaches the sexual maturity. Beyond that the gynecological evaluation, verifying womb, cervix and vagina. The approaches of AI commented in that review are: vaginal, cervical, transcervical and intrauterine. They are related still the estrus induction and synchronization as tool for the intensification of the reproductive management, like: male effect, progestagenos, prostaglandina and their analogous synthetic.
Ano de publicação: 2006
Tipo de publicação: Folhetos
Unidade: Embrapa Cerrados
Palavras-chave: Melhoramento Genético Animal, Ovelha, Ovino, Reprodução, Reprodução Animal
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