Seleção recorrente no melhoramento genético de plantas autógamas.

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Resumo: ABSTRACT: The recurrent selection is a dynamic and continuous process, which involves the obtainment of individuals or families, evaluation, selection and intercrossing of the best ones, aiming to increase the frequence oft he favourable alleles and, consequently, improve the expression of the character selction. The recurrent selection may be carried out in two manners concerning the selection method: selection in individual level also denoted as phenotypic selection or massal selection; and selection in family level, in which populations structured in families are used. The estimatives of the genetic improvements attained by breeding with recurrent selection are a useful tool to quantify the efficiency of the executed works. Differences among the methodologies employed in the evaluation of the genetic improvement, the times and periods considered, among others, not always allow the satifactory comparison or interpretation of the changes attributed to genetic ou environmetal causes. It is important to highlight that in any selective cycle the selection process of families is continuous, involving constant evaluations of the following generations. Therefore, productive pure lines presenting interesting agronomic characters may be extracted at any selection cycles.

Ano de publicação: 2007

Tipo de publicação: Folhetos

Unidade: Embrapa Cerrados


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