Insecticide distribution model in human tissues viewing workers health monitoring programs.

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Autoria: PARAIBA, L. C.; CASTRO, V. L. S. S. de; MAIA, A. de H. N.

Resumo: This work aimed at evaluating the characteristics of thirty nine insecticides on tissue distribution and accumulation, using their physico-chemical characteristics and the tissues lipid contents to calculate the compounds distribution among the tissues. The insecticides evaluated were selected among those registered in Brazil for agriculture use. The level I fugacity model was used for the calculations of insecticide distribution among the tissues of muscles, viscera, skin, fat, blood, liver, kidneys and gut. The octanol-water partition coefficient, water solubility and tissue lipid contents showed an insecticide distribution in human tissues. Cluster analysis was performed aiming the identification and separation of insecticides groups based on their physico-chemical characteristics as compounds with similar distribution within tissues and at the same time tissues with similar distribution of various insecticides. Cluster analysis pointed out three insecticide groups: in the first, 70 - 86% of insecticide accumulation was found in lipid tissues; in the second, 44 - 58%; and in the third, 9 - 19%. These results could contribute to health monitoring programs of farmworkers.

Ano de publicação: 2009

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Palavras-chave: Agrotóxico, Toxicologia


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