Water application efficiency of a microsprinkler irrigation system in banana crop.

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Autoria: SILVA, A. J. P. da; COELHO, E. F.; MIRANDA, J. H. de

Resumo: The food production will be limited in a near future due to the shortening of water resources. The irrigated agriculture must seek for solutions in order to guarantee high yields using water with high efficiency. This work had as objective to determine deep percolation and application efficiency by using TDR technique in the water balance method for banana crop in a trickle irrigation system. The work was carried out at Embrapa Casava & Tropical fruits, Cruz das Almas city - Bahia State. Three different microsprinkler irrigation systems were evaluated: T1 - One 32 L h-¹-emitter per four plants (pseudostems) with one single lateral line per two crop rows; T2 - One 60 L h-¹-emitter per four plants (pseudostems) with one single lateral line per two crop rows and T3 - One 60 L h-¹-emitter per two plants (pseudostems) with one single lateral line per two crop rows. The irrigation systems that applies water at the soil with smaller variations of infiltrated water depths at all distances from the pseudostem are the more efficients. The water application efficiency for the systems with a 32 L h-¹ microsprinkler per four plants, 60 L h-1 microsprinkler per four plants and 60 L h-¹ microsprinkler per two were 85.01%, 79.72% e 89.54%, respectively.

Ano de publicação: 2008

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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