Characterisation and use of biodiversity in the açai tree breeding program of Embrapa Amapá (Brazil).

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Autoria: SILVA, M. F. da; MOCHIUTTI, S.; FARIAS NETO, J. T. de

Resumo: The Açai tree (Euterpe oleracea Mart) is an amazonian palm tree which grows naturally in the ftoodplain forests called "Várzeas" in Brazil and represents a high potential for national and international markets. The small berries are used to prepare a juice very appreciated by local population and which is now widely used in the development of energy drinks, ice cream and energy bars with granola in other parts of the country and abroad. The Embrapa's centre in Macapá (Embrapa Amapá-CPAF AP). Conducted a program of characterization and selection of açai tree since the 2000s. Was conducted a survey of the most interesting plants in terms of quality, fruit yield and season from natural populations. Three hundred families from seeds of these plants are grown in our field of experimentation and make up our germplasm collection that aims to characterize their diversity and their potential for use in the next stages of the açai tree breeding program of Embrapa Amapá. Currently, 175 families have been evaluated about season production, fruit yield and fruit quality. The characteristics such as size and weight of fruit, and productivity showed a great variability of a familyto another and even within the same family. Early assessments indicate that it may have a genetic control of the production season. In the future it is planned to select the most interesting trees by the desired characteristics and to establish two clone orchards for seed production: one for fruit production in the rainy season and the other for fruit production in the dry season.

Ano de publicação: 2009

Tipo de publicação: Resumo em anais e proceedings

Unidade: Embrapa Amapa


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