Phenotypic recurrent selection in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) with carioca-type grains for resistance to the fungi Phaeoisariopsis griseola.

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Autoria: AMARO, G. B.; ABREU, A. de F. B.; RAMALHO, M. P.; SILVA, F. B.

Resumo: The efficiency of recurrent selection was assessed in obtaining common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) plant lines resistant to the phytopathogenic fungi Phaeoisariopsis griseola. The base bean population was obtained from the partial diallel between seven lines with carioca-type grains and 10 sources of resistance to P. griseola. The plants most resistant to the pathogen were selected in the F2 (S0) generation of the populations (C-0). The best S0:1 plants that presented carioca-type grains were intercrossed to obtain cycle I (C-I). The same procedure was adopted to obtain cycles C-II to C-V. In each recurrent selection cycle, S0:1 progenies selected were also assessed in experiments carried out in Lavras, Brazil, always using as check the Carioca MG (susceptible to P. griseola) and Pérola (tolerant) cultivars. The response to selection for resistance to the pathogen was estimated from the general mean of the S0:1 progenies from each selective cycle compared to the susceptible check Carioca MG. The estimated gain was 6.4% per cycle and the indirect response in grain yield by selection for resistance to the pathogen was 8.9% per cycle. The variability detected among the progenies in the last selective cycles enabled the prediction of additional responses to recurrent selection.

Ano de publicação: 2007

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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