Reflections on a scientometrical analysis of Embrapa Brazil web of science articles from 1977 to 2006.

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Autoria: PENTEADO FILHO, R. de C.; AVILA, A. F. D.

Resumo: This article studies, using the technique of bibliometrical analysis, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation - Embrapa research centers participation in the journals that were indexed in the Web of Science (WoS) database, from 1977 to 2006. First we analyze the performance of the research centers, followed by the journals which published these articles and finally the partnerships with the institutions that had carried out this scientific work with Embrapa. The results indicated that Embrapa is among the top ten Brazilian institutions to lead in the volume of scientific articles published in indexed WoS journals. They also indicate the relevance of the adoption of goals and results system by an institution of Science, Technology and Innovation and the need to select strategies to establish partnerships, select journals in accordance with the institutional stated mission and standardize theirs authors affiliations, in order to facilitate the identification and improve their scores.

Ano de publicação: 2010

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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