In silico characterization and transcription analysis of two alpha-expansins isoforms in Coffea arabica L.

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Autoria: BUDZINSKI, I. G. F.; PEREIRA, L. F. P.; SERA, T.; VIEIRA, L. G. E.

Resumo: The development and maturation of coffee fruit reflects on grain size, cup quality and consequently better prices for the coffee produced. It is characterized by intense cell division, elongation and softening of cell walls in different fruit tissues. Those processes are related with the action of different proteins, including expansins. The objective of this work was to identify α-expansins genes expressed during coffee fruit development and maturation. Through in silico analysis in the Brazilian Coffee Genome Project database we selected two α-expansins genes present in fruit cDNA libraries. We observed that both isoforms (CaEXPA1 and CaEXPA2) have signal peptide and specific N- terminal and C-terminal domains for expansins proteins. To study gene expression, we collected tissues (root, plagiotropic shoots, leaf, bud flower and flower) from C. arabica cv. IAPAR-59 and fruits from both cv. IAPAR-59 and cv. IAPAR-59 Graúdo (a genotype with larger fruit/grain size). Fruits were monthly collected after flowering. The transcripts of coffee CaEXPA1 and CaEXPA2 were observed at different coffee tissues and at different fruit ripening stages, indicating spatial and temporal differences on both isoforms transcription pattern. CaEXPA1 was mainly expressed during the early stages of fruit development and at the end of the fruit ripening period. On the other hand, CaEXPA2 was only expressed in the last steps of fruit ripening.

Ano de publicação: 2008

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings

Unidade: Embrapa Café

Palavras-chave: Coffea arabica L


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