Evolution of deforestation in the Brazilian Pantanal and surroundings in the timeframe 1976 - 2008.

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Autoria: SILVA, J. dos S. V. da; ABDON, M. de M.; SILVA, S. M. A. da; MORAES, J. A. de

Resumo: Maps elaborated from five different periods were recovered and inserted within a single GIS. Considering these maps, the evolution of deforestation in the Pantanal and its surroundings in Brazil was analyzed for the last 32 years and scenarios were described for the timeframe 2010-2050. The results for the different BAP (Floodplain and Plateau), BAP (Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul States), BAP (Biomes: Pantanal, Cerrado and Amazon). Until 2008, the deforestation on the Pantanal floodplain affected 12,14% of its area, while on the Plateau 58,90% were concerned. The actual deforestation percentages indicate that, if no effective control actions are taken, the natural vegetation from this region could be eliminated till 2050. As an instrument for the effective deforestation control, we suggest the implantation of a deforestation monitoring system on the river basin of the Upper Paraguay, based on information technology.

Ano de publicação: 2011

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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