Variação temporal da biomassa do café arábica arborizado e a pleno sol, através de índices de vegetação.

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Resumo: Abstract. In recent years, several works have been accomplished in order to analyze the spectral response of coffee crop fields cultivated in full sun. However, the number of papers related to the monitoring of shaded coffee systems is reduced although this kind of cultivation is very important from the perspective of climate change and agriculture. In addition, the biomass of coffee systems can store carbon, which is a mitigation action. In this context, this paper presents the assessment of the meteorological variation joined with the biomass increase in three different coffee plantation systems: full sun, shaded coffee associated with legumes (SAF), and shaded coffee with Macadamia trees. We used Landsat-5 images from 2004 to 2010, and the NDVI and SAVI indexes. LAI index measured in the test area during all 2009 year. The results showed that the shaded coffee systems presented the NDVI and SAVI indexes with higher values than those found with the system of planting in full sun what corroborates the idea of greater amount of biomass in this type of planting. All indexes present the seasonal rain variation. One month after a large period of drought the indexes NDVI, SAVI and LAI decrease. The NDVI and SAVI indexes presented high correlation with the measured LAI. The shaded coffee system and the full sun coffee reached high vegetation indexes what indicate a high concentration of biomass. This factor should be considered in the decision making process since is important to take advantage of cultivation systems acting as carbon sinks.

Ano de publicação: 2011

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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