Concentrações de ácido indolbutírico no enraizamento de Cryptomeria japonica.

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Resumo: Cryptomeria japonica is a conifer of great load that detaches for the fast growth and good lumber potential. In spite of could being propagated by seeds, the vegetative propagation of Cryptomeria japonica is justified for the maintenance of the desirable characteristics of selected plus trees. In function of this and the lack of information about vegetative propagation out of Japan, this work had as objective to verify the effect of indolbutiric acid (IBA) and alcohol on rooting of cuttings of three adult clones of Cryptomeria japonica. The cuttings from three trees with nine years old, after prepared, received phytosanitary treatment for the clear, followed by the treatment with different concentrations of iba (T1 = 0 mg L-1; T2 = water + alcohol (1:1 v/v); T3 = 2,000 mg.L-1 IBA; T4 = 4,000 mg.L-1 IBA; T5 = 8,000 mg.L-1 IBA). The best results showed that the studied clones presents variation in clones in terms of the evaluated characteristics and has low level of rooting independent of the tested concentrations of IBA. the concentration with maximum technical efficiency is around 4,000 mg.L-1 IBA, with 22.9% of rooting for clone 2.

Ano de publicação: 2011

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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