Alterações antrópicas em áreas de remanescentes de vegetação nativa nos municípios certificados pelo projeto "Municípios Verde Azul" no Estado de São Paulo.

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Autoria: FARIA, D. P.; SILVA, G. B. S. da; AGUIAR, D. A.; RUDORFF, B. F. T.

Resumo: According to the Native Vegetation Forest Inventory of 2010 for São Paulo State the remanescents of natural vegetation (RVN) represent 17.5% of the original native vegetation estimated as being 4,343,000 ha. The RNV are important refuges for animal wildlife and they also function as pockets to moderate temperature and humidity. For society they can be used as parks and also serve as an excellent natural laboratory for environmental education. In 2007, the State Government of São Paulo started a project named "Município Verde Azul? to promote environmental sustainability in municipalities of São Paulo State in which the RVN should be protected. This study aims to monitor areas of anthropogenic changes in RVN of 37 municipalities of São Paulo State that were certified in both years 2008 and 2009. The RVN were monitored using remote sensing images acquired from April to September of 2010. Results showed that RVN were altered in 13 municipalities corresponding to an area of 216 ha which corresponds to 0,39% of the total area of the RVN analyzed in the 37 municipalities.

Ano de publicação: 2011

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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