Proposta de organização e visualização de grande quantidade de imagens orbitais através de web services.

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Autoria: HOLLER, W. A.; CUSTODIO, D. de O.; NIEMANN, R. S.; RÔVERE, S. D.

Resumo: The organization of satellite imagery seeks to facilitate the presentation and manipulation of spatial information in projects of Land Management's Strategic area from Embrapa Satellite Monitoring, enabling integration between mapped data and interoperability of image data and mapped regions. As a way to standardize this organization, we followed the recommendations of national and international bodies that deal with the standardization of geographic metadata, specifically satellite images. To view this integration, a webmapping interface was created. A webmapping must be prepared to meet the needs of relationship between user and product. In this paper we propose a standardized structure for storage and maintenance of images obtained by satellite sensors aiming its availability on the web through web map services, examples of interoperability. The non-interoperability prevents sharing of information and computing resources. The visualization of web map services takes place through a webmapping that benefits from the organization structure of satellite images proposed in this paper. The hierarchical organization proposed research assistance of satellite images. As they are entered into the database, now new images will be organized in a logical structure, without affecting the search for listings older images. The webmapping allows a direct link between the metadata and geospatial data visualization. Combining web services based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in conjunction with the Flex technology allows the creation of Rich Internet Applications (RIA) giving the user more possibilities of interaction via the Web.

Ano de publicação: 2011

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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