Unitary input DEA model to identify beef cattle production systems typologies.

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Autoria: GOMES, E. G.; ABREU, U. G. P. de; MELLO, J. C. C. B. S. de; CARVALHO, T. B. de; ZEN, S. de

Resumo: The cow-calf beef production sector in Brazil has a wide variety of operating systems. This suggests the identification and the characterization of homogeneous regions of production, with consequent implementation of actions to achieve its sustainability. In this paper we attempted to measure the performance of 21 livestock modal production systems, in their cow-calf phase. We measured the performance of these systems, considering husbandry and production variables. The proposed approach is based on data envelopment analysis (DEA). We used unitary input DEA model, with apparent input orientation, together with the efficiency measurements generated by the inverted DEA frontier. We identified five modal production systems typologies, using the isoefficiency layers approach. The results showed that the knowledge and the processes management are the most important factors for improving the efficiency of beef cattle production systems.

Ano de publicação: 2012

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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