Root morphology of maize lines with contrasting drought resistance under three toxic levels of aluminum.
Root morphology of maize lines with contrasting drought resistance under three toxic levels of aluminum.
Autoria: MAGALHAES, P. C.; SOUZA, T. C. de; CANTÃO, F. R. de O.; PADILHA, F. A.
Resumo: The aim of this work was to evaluate attributes of dry mass and root morphology characteristics in lines with contrasting drought resistance (two tolerant and two sensitive) from the Breeding Program of CNPMS (Maize and Sorghum National Research Center), under three levels of aluminum saturation (low, intermediate and high). A randomized blocks design was used, with two replications for each level of Al-saturation. Evaluations were performed at 14 and 28 days after sowing. Root morphology was assessed using the WinRhizo image analysis system. Significant differences were observed for dry matter attributes between lines, especially the sensitive ones. Concerning root morphology, the drought resistant lines presented higher total root length (RL), root surface area (SA), root volume (RV) and greater very thin roots length (VTRL). In conclusion, lines selected for drought resistance can be indirectly selected for aluminum tolerance.
Ano de publicação: 2012
Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico
Unidade: Embrapa Milho e Sorgo
Palavras-chave: Alumínio, Deficiência Hídrica, Toxicidade, Toxidez, Zea mays
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