Geotecnologias e aprendizagem espacial em ambiente educacional: o mapeamento de nascentes utilizando técnicas de geoprocessamento por meio de softwares livres.

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Autoria: VIEL, J. A.; ARRUDA, D. C. de; BERRETA, M. dos S. R.; FANTIN, M. L.; FARIAS, A. R.; HOFF, R.

Resumo: The headwaters of streams are extremely important to maintain the water sources and contribute to the permanent preservation areas (PPA) and hence with the ecosystems of any region. Thus this aspect were investigated by mapping using GIS techniques by free software. The data were validated by field research conducted by students of the 1st year of high school ? Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio Pedro Migliorini, located in the municipality of Monte Belo do Sul, Brazil. The objective of the study was to allow students to assess quantitatively and qualitatively the headwaters of the city, analyzing water usage, as well as the situation of the same as the environmental laws. Students were divided into work areas, conducted interviews with landowners in order to research on the consumption and use of water and what methods are used for the preservation of the spring on the property. To assess if the sources informed the owners comply with current legislation, GIS tools were employed and was generated a buffer of 50 meters (area corresponding to PPA) around the source. At the end of the study were located 427 points with the following observations: 1) 95 are used for human consumption, 2) 107 for animal consumption, 3) 145 have some protection; 4) 23 are in accordance with current legislation . 37 springs were not informed about the use.

Ano de publicação: 2013

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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