Seed vigor and initial growth of corn crop.

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Autoria: MONDO, V. H. V.; CICERO, S. M.; DOURADO-NETO, D.; PUPIM, T. L.; DIAS, M. A. N.

Resumo: Seed vigor is a characteristic that determines potential for fast and uniform seedling emergence and establishment of crops. Such characteristic defines crop initial growth what could have direct and indirect effects on capacity of plants in capturing natural nutritive resources and intervene in their competition intra- and interspecific. Aiming at identifying and understanding the possible effects of seed vigor on crop initial growth a field experiment was performed during two years at University of São Paulo, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil; using two seed lots at each year, which were previously characterized by tests of physiological potential as high and low vigor. Thus, five different ratios (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75, and 0:100) of seeds originating from seed lots with higher or lower vigor were used. Assessments were performed at the phenological stages of four and eight leaves by assessing plant height, stem diameter, and leaf area index. It was also observed that mean values for all variables assessed have increased according to increase of seeds with high vigor at planting row. Therefore, it is concluded that increased percentage of seeds with high vigor results in greater initial growth of cron crop until phenological stage of eight leaves.

Ano de publicação: 2013

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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