Transferência de imunidade passiva contra lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes em cordeiros.

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Autoria: SOUZA, T. S. de; PINHEIRO, R. R.; LIMA, C. C. V. de; ANDRIOLI, A.; AZEVEDO, D. A. A. de; SANTOS, W. W. S. dos; OLIVEIRA, E. L. de; MELO, F. C. C. de; RÊGO, W. M. F. do; COSTA, J. N.

Resumo: [Transfer of passive immunity against small ruminant lentiviruses in lambs]. Abstract: To verify the occurrence of antibodies against SRLV in sheep flocks from farms located in Microregion of Feira de Santana, Bahia, we performed a seroepidemiological survey of 10 municipalities with the most effective micro sheep: Antonio Cardoso, Feira de Santana, Ipecaetá , Ipirá, Itatim, Pintadas, Rafael Jambeiro, Santa Terezinha, Santo Estevão e Serra Preta, totaling 384 samples collected from 48 municipalities visited properties. The samples were subjected to the test of agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) to give negative results in all sera investigated. This finding can be attributed to the composition of herds, which are mostly of animals breed, the system of creation predominantly semi-extensive and type of exploitation for meat, which reduced the risk of introduction of lentivirus . Therefore, in order to preserve the genetic material already adapted to semi-arid climatic adversities, sanitary measures can be taken to prevent the entry of infectious agents circulating in these herds. This is necessary especially because of the tendencies of improving the productivity of small ruminant animals by the introduction of imported breeds.

Ano de publicação: 2013

Tipo de publicação: Artigo em anais e proceedings


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