Cytogenetic analysis of wheat seeds submitted to artificial aging stress.

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Autoria: MENEZES, V. O.; LOPES, S. J.; TEDESCO, S. B.; HENNING, F. A.; ZEN, H. D.; HENNING, L. M. M.

Resumo: Several studies have been developed to understand the physiology of seed deterioration, however, the initial steps of the deterioration process are not completely clear. Seed vigor and viability losses are also associated with genetic material damage. This study was carried out to detect cytogenetic and physiological alterations occurring during the deterioration process of wheat seeds, due to artificial aging stress. Two cultivars, Ônix and Fundacep Campo Real, were submitted to six different treatments: control (T1), 24 (T2), 48 (T3), 72 (T4), 96 (T5) and 120 (T6) hours under artificial aging conditions: 42 °C and 100% relative humidity. Germination and vigor tests (First Count of Germination, Electrical Conductivity, Seedling Emergence in the Field and Emergence Speed Index) were performed. Cytogenetic evaluations were performed through smear technique for root tips, stained with 2% acetic orcein. Total number of cells under division and mitotic index (MI) were determined. According to results, vigor and mitotic index were affected due to deterioration process induced by artificial aging stress. A reduced number of dividing cells were observed in seeds submitted to prolonged period of aging. Chromosomal abnormalities in mitotic cells of aged seeds were detected with the occurrence of micronuclei, chromosome breaks and bridges.

Ano de publicação: 2014

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico

Unidade: Embrapa Soja


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