Study of degumming process and evaluation of oxidative stability of methyl and ethyl biodiesel of Jatropha curcas L. oil from three different Brazilian states.

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Autoria: ARAÚJO, F. D. da S.; ARAÚJO, I. C.; COSTA, I. C. G.; MOURA, C. V. R. de; CHAVES, M. H.; ARAUJO, E. C. E.

Resumo: This work describes the production of biodiesel from Jatropha curcas oil. The kernel samples provided by Embrapa-PI, were first crushed in a blender and then subjected to extraction with hexane. The oil yield was between 54.71 ± 0.47 and 64.16 ± 2.88%. The J. curcas oil was then submitted to two different kinds of degumming, first with water and second with H3PO4 to evaluate the influence of these processes in the yield of the transesterification reaction. Methyl and ethyl biodiesel prepared from the degummed oil with H3PO4 had higher conversions than those prepared with the degummed with water. Therefore, among the processes of degumming studied, H3PO4 was more suitable for the treatment of J. curcas oil. The study shows the results about oxidation stability were good, because the biodiesels methyl and ethyl biodiesel have induction period at 13.51 h and 13.03 h without antioxidant addition when submitted a Rancimat text. Such biodiesels had their physicochemical parameters defined under the specifications of ANP Resolutions n 14/2012 (ANP- National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels from Brazil). The results showed that J. curcas cultivation in Brazil is an adequate source for biodiesel production, considering the technical standards available.

Ano de publicação: 2014

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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