Caracterization of seed germination of Zephyranthes sylvatica (Mart.) Baker (Amarilidacea).

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Autoria: SILVA, M. W. da; BARBOSA, L. G.; SILVA, J. E. S. B. da; GUIRRA, K. S.; GAMA, D. R. da S.; OLIVEIRA, G. M. de; DANTAS, B. F.

Resumo: Zephyranthes sylvatica is a beautiful lily, endemic from the Brazilian Caatinga. Although it has a great ornamental potential, little is known about this species, especially regarding its seeds germination process. Aiming to characterize the germination of Z. sylvatica seeds, we studied its imbibition curve, optimum temperature and substrate for germination and seedling emergence, osmotic and salt stress tolerance, as well as the tolerance to frosting/ defrosting, which indicates long term cryostorage potential. The germination of Z. sylvatica presents a triphasic model of imbibition, in which the primary root protrusion occurs after 72 hours of imbibition. The ideal conditions for evaluating seed germination of Z. sylvatica is 25 °C, in paper rolls. These seeds are highly tolerant to osmotic stress, but not to salt stress. Z. sylvatica seeds can be cryopreservated without loss of germination and seed vigor.

Ano de publicação: 2014

Tipo de publicação: Artigo de periódico


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