Guia Clima - Software
Software - Climate Guide (Guia Clima)

Photo: BONATTO, Suelma Pires da Silva
It is an app for mobile phones or tablets, which accesses information of an agro-climate monitoring system (also called Guia Clima) and provides real-time data on weather conditions (temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc.), information (averages, etc.) and warnings (low air humidity, high winds, frost, etc.). Such data can be used for decision-making. Currently, the Climate Guide operates with three agrometeorological stations located in Mato Grosso do Sul, in the municipalities of Dourados, Rio Brilhante and Ivinhema. However, there are plans to set up new stations in other locations in Mato Grosso do Sul.
This technological solution was developed by Embrapa in partnership with other institution(s).
Where to find:
O download do aplicativo pode ser feito no endereço:
Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste
BR 163, km 253,6 - Caixa Postal nº 449
CEP 79804-970 - Dourados, MS
Telefone: (67) 3416-9700 Fax: (67) 3416-9721
Site Guia Clima: clima.
Guia Clima: monitoramento climático de Mato Grosso do Sul.
Product: Software Launch year: 2019
Country: Brazil Region: Central-West State: Mato Grosso do Sul Biome: Cerrado, Atlantic Rainforest
Responsible Unit: Embrapa Western Agriculture
Keywords: balanço hídrico, monitoramento, dados agrometeorológicos, guia clima