Amora-preta BRS Cainguá
BRS Cainguá blackberry

Photo: RASEIRA, Maria do Carmo Bassols
BRS Cainguá berries are very well accepted for fresh consumption due to their excellent appearance and balance between acidity and sugar. Plants are erect, with smaller thorns and lower density than the Tupy cultivar's. BRS Cainguá requires 200 to 300 hours of accumulated hibernal cold (temperatures that are equal to or lower than 7.2 °C).
This technological solution was developed by Embrapa in partnership with other institution(s).
Where to find:
Claudiomar Fischer
Estrada Colônia Ramos
96105-000 - Pelotas, RS
Contatos: (53) 3277-7035 /
Rodrigo Veraldi Ismael
Via Bairro da Campista, Sítio Vila Maria, Bairro Campista
12490-000 - São Bento do Sapucaí, SP
Contatos: (12) 99745-9897 /
Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2019
Country: Brazil Region: Southeast State: Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina Biome: Atlantic Rainforest, Pampa
Responsible Unit: Embrapa Temperate Agriculture
Keywords: Produtividade, sabor, qualidade de frutas