Desperfilhador por roto-compressão
Compression and Rotation Sprout Harvester

Photo: ROSA, Felipe Santos da
The Compression and Rotation Sprout Harvester is a simple and fitting tool use to eliminate unwanted sprouts from banana clumps.
The equipment is light and ergonomic depending on the materials used and the mechanics that provide high performance and durability. So rare are the maintenance events with the exception of preventive maintenance.
How it works: The drill is triggered when the operator presses the equipment against the sprout and a spring transforms potential energy into kinetic energy causing the drill rotate and penetrate, extracting the apical bud.
Where to find:
Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental
Rodovia AM-010, Km 29, (Estrada Manaus/Itacoatiara), Caixa Postal 319, CEP: 69010-970, Manaus, AM
Fone: + 55 (92) 3303-7800 | Fax: + 55 (92) 3303-7820
Marcassio Indústria e Comércio de Máquinas Ltda
Contatos: (47) 98813-1126. E-mail:
Authomathika Services Agroindustrial
Contatos: (16) 3513-4000 E-mail:
Product: Machinery, implement, equipment Launch year: 2014
Country: Brazil Region: Northeast, Southeast State: Bahia, Amazonas, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Paraná Biome: Amazon Rainforest, Cerrado, Atlantic Rainforest, Caatinga
Responsible Unit: Embrapa Western Amazon
Keywords: Banana, Desperfilhador, Equipamento, Lurdinha