Manejo Integrado de Pragas: pulgão-gigante-do-pínus
Integrated management plan for giant conifer aphids

Photo: PICHELLI, Katia
Giant conifer aphids (Cinara pinivora and Cinara atlantica) were first recorded in Brazil in 1996 and 1998, respectively. Because of their biology and reproductive capacity, they quickly established themselves in pine plantations, causing economic damage. Defining an integrated management plan for giant conifer aphids was essential to maintain plantation health and productivity. This asset established the strategies used for integrated pest management, using environmentally appropriate technologies, recommending silvicultural techniques for prevention and biological control that do not cause any environmental contamination. It is a safe technology that specifically targets this pest and does not affect beneficial insects, reducing losses of biomass production and sequestering greater quantities of carbon dioxide.
This technological solution was developed by Embrapa in partnership with other institution(s).
Where to find:
Manejo Integrado de Pragas: Pulgão-gigante-do-pínus -
Agricultural practice: For plant pest management Launch year: 2000
Country: Brazil Region: Southeast State: Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina Biome: Atlantic Rainforest, Pampa
Responsible Unit: Embrapa Forestry