Pedoclimatic zoning of the influence area of the Paraíba Coastal Strands Channel

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Photo: ALVES, Lilian

After four years of work, a group of researchers delivered the pedoclimatic zoning (soil and climate) of the influence area of ​​the Paraíba Coastal Strands Channel (ZON-PB), on the scale 1: 50,000, which generated 30 maps. An area of ​​514 thousand hectares was studied, covering 33 municipalities in the Zona da Mata, coastal and rugged in the state, which are under the influence of the channel known locally as Acauã-Araçagi, complementary work of the São Francisco River Integration Project (PISF) . The work is available for public access on Embrapa's spatial data infrastructure (GeoInfo). Paraíba has approximately 56 thousand square kilometers and about 90% of the territory is in the semiarid region. The ZON-PB, carried out by Embrapa and the State Secretariat for the Development of Agriculture and Fisheries (Sedap-PB), on a scale of 1: 50,000, expands the knowledge of soils and climate, which generates competitive advantages for policyholders, decision in the definition of programs and implementation of projects, optimizing the application of financial resources and the use of environmental resources. The last mappings in the state still dated from the 1970s of the last century, with a very low scale, of 1: 500,000, made in partnership with Sudene.

This technological solution was developed by Embrapa in partnership with other institution(s).

Where to find:
Este ativo pode ser encontrado no Geoinfo, a plataforma digital de dados espaciais da agricultura brasileira. Abaixo estão os links para acesso aos principais mapas referentes a este ativo:

1. Zoneamento Pedoclimático da Área de Influência do Canal das Vertentes Litorâneas da Paraíba (Zon-PB) < >

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< > #6 documentos
1. Zon-PB - Relatório Técnico do Potencial Pedoclimático para Culturas Agrícolas <>
2. Zon-PB - Potencial pedoclimático para a cultura do sorgo no manejo B e C (média e alta tecnologias) e cenários chuvoso, regular e seco (escala 1:120.000) < >
3. Zon-PB - Potencial pedoclimático para a cultura do milho no manejo B e C (média e alta tecnologias) e cenários chuvoso, regular e seco (escala 1:120.000) < >
4. Zon-PB - Potencial pedoclimático para a cultura da mandioca no manejo B e C (média e alta tecnologias) e cenários chuvoso, regular e seco (escala 1:120.000) < >
5. Zon-PB - Potencial pedoclimático para a cultura da cana-de-açúcar no manejo B e C (média e alta tecnologias) e cenários chuvoso, regular e seco (escala 1:120.000) < >
6. Zon-PB - Potencial pedoclimático para a cultura do abacaxi no manejo B e C (média e alta tecnologias) e cenários chuvoso, regular e seco (escala 1:120.000) < >

Product: Mapping, zoning Launch year: 2020

Country: Brazil Region: Northeast State: Paraíba Biome: Atlantic Rainforest, Caatinga

Responsible Unit: Embrapa Soils

Participating Units: Embrapa Cotton

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