Soybeans - BRS 2562XTD

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Photo: Rufino, Carina Gomes

BRS 2562XTD is a transgenic “Xtend”- type soybean cultivar with tolerance to the herbicides glyphosate and dicamba, which facilitates weed control. It has resistance to the main soybean diseases, including phytophthora root rot, indeterminate growth type, early cycle, relative maturity group – 6.2 in macro-region 2 and 6.8 in macro-regions 3 and 4, and size that is adapted for the recommendation in early sowing in the regions that require this practice and thus for insertion in succession and/or rotation systems with other crops. Sowing should preferentially take place between September 20 and November 15 in the recommended Brazilian Soybean Macroregions (MR), in medium to high fertility soils, using the population of 12 to 14 plants per linear meter in Macroregion 2 (MR2) and 15 to 18 plants per linear meter in Macroregions 3 and 4 (MR3 and MR4). Edaphoclimatic adaptation regions: REC 201: PR (West, North); REC 204: MS (Center-South, Southwest); REC 301: MS (Center-North) and GO (Southwest); REC 304: MG (Northwest), GO (East) and DF; REC 401: GO (Center). Some agronomic traits can vary depending on the year, region, soil fertility level and time of sowing. Always consult an agronomist. The 2020/21 harvest saw the end of VCU tests that confirmed the production and agronomic merit of the launch of BRS 2562XTD; in addition, Bayer's comparative tests also corroborated the results of productive merit and commercial appeal of said cultivar to be launched in the edaphoclimatic regions (RECs) 201 (PR), 204 (MS), 301 (MS, GO), 304 (GO, MG) and 401 (GO), with average yield 0.75% above the average for the main Intacta standards (M 5947IPRO and 63I64RSF IPRO) in region REC 201 ; with average yield 4.82% above the average for the main Intacta standards (63I64RSF IPRO and M 6410IPRO) in region REC 204; with a yield average 2.04% above the average for the main Intacta standards (74I77RSF IPRO and 68I68RSF IPRO) for REC 301 ; with a yield average 2.35% above the average for the main Intacta standards (74I77RSF IPRO and 68I68F IPRO) for REC 301/304/401. Resistance to different leaf diseases and Phytophthora Root Rot ensures both higher productive (economic) and environmental sustainability. This is a transgenic (GM), "Xtend"-type soybean cultivar that is tolerant to the herbicides dicamba and glyphosate, which facilitates weed control, and is a great refuge option for the “Intacta 2/Xtend” cultivars with maturity groups between 6.0 and 6.4. The use of cultivars with Xtend technology as a refuge for Intacta 2 Xtend cultivars is a key tool in the context of integrated pest management, to ensure greater longevity of the BT technology.

This technological solution was developed by Embrapa in partnership with other institution(s).

Where to find:
Fazenda Estrela Sementes
Telefone: (42) 3624-3288
Cidade: Guarapuava - PR

Product: GM or edited cultivar Launch year: 2023

Country: Brazil Region: Central-West, South, Southeast State: Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Goiás, Minas Gerais Biome: Cerrado, Atlantic Rainforest

Responsible Unit: Embrapa Soybean

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