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The underground dam is a technology to capture and store rainwater for food production. It has been implemented by farmers in the Brazilian semiarid region and now contributes not only to family a
...Agricultural practice: Other agricultural practices Launch year: 1989 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Semi-arid Region
There has been increased interest in the use of techniques to collect and store rainwater in the last few decades, with funding from national and international bodies; however, the general performance of these activities at farmer level is lower than expected, and that relates to the lack of knowledge of the existence and importance of techniques to cope with semiarid conditions.
Considering the social-economic importance of agricultural activities in rain-dependent areas, it is necessary to ...
Status: Completed Start date: Sun Aug 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2010
Author(s): MELO, R. F. de; ANJOS, J. B. dos; SILVA, M. S. L. da; PEREIRA, L. A.; BRITO, L. T. de L.
O Semiárido brasileiro corresponde a aproximadamente 60% da Região Nordeste e ocupa uma área de 969.589,4 km2. Está inserido em todos os estados nordestinos e parte do norte de Minas Gerais (BRASIL, 2... ...