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One of the challenges smallholders in Northern Ethiopia face is improving food security in periods of low rainfall supply by identifying strategies to restore soil water stocks. In that region, over 50% of the water available for agriculture is lost due to issues like direct evaporation, surface runoff and deep drainage. The hypothesis is that the use of low cost technologies and intelligent solutions to identify strategies for water resupply and/or water storage in low cost containers like c


Status: Completed     Start date: Sat Aug 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015


The Agricultural Innovation MKTPlace is an international initiative supported by different partners aiming to link Brazilian, African and Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) experts and institutions to... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2014

Author(s): SILVA, A. de S.; MAGALHAES, A. A. de; SANTOS, E. D.; MORGADO, L. B.

Em face da necessidade de racionalização e melhor manejo de uso da agua que, para a regiao semi-arida, e indubitavelmente o principal fator limitante para producao agricola, estudou-se no Centro de Pe... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 1982