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Março/2017 - 2ª Semana - Regiões Nordeste/Vale do Jequitinhonha e Centro-Oeste/Sudeste Esta semana, no Prosa Rural, você vai conhecer a BRS Jade, cultivar de algodão colorido,...
Publishing date: 13/03/17
O algodão colorido desenvolvido pela Embrapa volta às passarelas da São Paulo Fashion Week, maior evento de moda do Brasil, que está sendo realizado de 25 e 29 de abril, no Parque...
Publishing date: 28/04/16
O cultivo de algodão colorido orgânico é uma das principais fontes de renda do Assentamento Margarida Maria Alves, situado no município de Juarez Távora, a 100 km da capital João...
Publishing date: 04/03/16
BRS Jade is a light brown-colored cultivar with high fiber yield potential (approximately 41%) and high productivity, exceeding 4500 kg/ha. The cultivar has high yield potential in the Cerrado and
...Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2015 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton
BRS Verde is a cultivar with light-green colored fiber whose cycle varies between 130 and 140 days. The plants present an average height of 127 cm, and cream-colored flowers and pollen. For Brazil
...Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2002 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton
BRS Rubi is a colored fiber cultivar whose cycle varies between 140 and 150 days. The plants show an average 110 cm in height. The color of the flower and the pollen is yellow and blooming begins
...Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2004 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cotton