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Para proporcionar aumento da produção de soja na região Matopiba, considerada a nova fronteira agrícola do País, a Embrapa Cerrados e a Fundação Bahia vão lançar uma cultivar...
Publishing date: 24/05/19
The average protein content found in Brazilian soybeans between the 2014/15 and the 2016/17 crop years was approximately 2% above the one found in grains produced in the United...
Publishing date: 23/04/19
The cultivar BRS 8980IPRO is a soybean cultivar that, in addition to grain yield, resistance to the main soybean diseases and the cycle adapted to the agroclimatic conditions of the MATOPIBA regio
...Product: GM or edited cultivar Launch year: 2019 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cerrados