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A nanoemulsão de cera de carnaúba, usada para conservação de frutas, vem despertando o interesse de setores produtivos de países da América Latina e da Europa e já está nos planos...
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Junho/2020 - 2ª semana - Todas as Regiões O Prosa Rural desta semana apresenta uma importante tecnologia para a conservação pós-colheita de frutos, em geral, e redução do...
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O mais importante evento na área de nanotecnologia no Brasil, a Nano Trade Show, entre 24 e 26 de setembro, em São Paulo, também abre espaço para apresentar resultados de pesquisas...
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Small, technology, future, science, innovation, and unfamiliarity. These are the first words that come to mind when people think about nanotechnology. This was the result of a...
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If you go to Portugal in the next European summer, you will be able to consume coconut water as if you were in Brazil. About 500,000 units of Brazilian green coconut will start...
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*Content only available in Portuguese
Emulsão com partículas nanométricas (invisíveis ao olho humano) à base de cera de carnaúba para revestimento de frutos de mesa (mamão, laranja, manga, tangerina, entre outros) sob diferentes concentra ...
Product: Packaging, film or coating Launch year: 2019 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Instrumentation
In order to have the country keep growing and to open new markets, some sectors still require value aggregation to their products, which can only be achieved through the continuous incorporation of new technologies. In special, the quality and certification of agricultural products, biotechnology, agroenergy, environmental monitoring, new uses of agricultural products, precision agriculture and traceability, the inputs (fertilizers, pesticides) industry, innovation in medicine for veterinary use
Status: Completed Start date: Fri Apr 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2011