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O sistema plantio direto propõe o manejo adequado do solo por meio do não revolvimento do solo, formação e manutenção de cobertura morta e rotação de culturas, fazendo com que haja diminuição de e


Agricultural practice: For soil management     Launch year: 2017     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Western Amazon


With the objective of developing technological innovations for the restoration of degraded pasture in the Brazilian Amazon region, this project involves all Embrapa units in the North region, besides additional ones in the Midwest. The intended result is to develop technological solutions which involve forage planting methods, e.g. no-till farming, intercropping of forage with annual crops, and alternatives techniques, to combat problems such as infestation by weeds and pest insects orlow soil f

Status: Completed     Start date: Tue Oct 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2013


Author(s): OLIVEIRA, I. J. de; FONTES, J. R. A.; BORTOLON, L.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar cultivares de milho manejadas com preparo convencional e sistema plantio direto no Amazonas em área de pastagem degradada.

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2017