General Search | Content Related to Livros sobre coco serão lançados em festival na Bahia
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A delegation with agents from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Dominican Republic visited Embrapa Coastal Tablelands' (Aracaju, SE) Phytopathology Laboratory on June 6 and 7 to...
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For the month of May, researchers from Embrapa, the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL) and from Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuária (formerly named Corpoica and...
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Author(s): SAMPAIO, L. V. A.; BIERHALS, A. N.; PRATA, A. P. do N.; GUZZO, E. C.
Author(s): LIMA, D. B. de; GONDIM JUNIOR, M. G. C.; MELO, J. W. S.; DIAS, N. da S.