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A Embrapa Agrobiologia participou, no fim de abril, do 1° Encontro Regional de Agroecologia de Serramar, no município fluminense de Casimiro de Abreu. Agricultores familiares,...
Publishing date: 13/05/19
Em 1991, quando o casal Jovelina Fonseca e Luiz Paulo Ribeiro deixou a cidade do Rio de Janeiro e foi morar na região serrana com o propósito de plantar alimentos livres de...
Publishing date: 07/07/14
Technologies linked to the conventional agriculture model based on the use of agro-chemicals strongly boost vegetable production, but demonstrate problems concerning the health of products, farmer
...Agricultural System: Production system with intercropping or polyculture Launch year: 2005 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Agrobiology
The organic production systems show a systemic focus for the management of production units, prioritizing environmental conservation, biodiversity, biological cycles, and quality of life. Brazil h
...Agricultural System: Integrated production system Launch year: 1993 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Agrobiology
The overall objective of this project was to strengthen Brazil’s green economy by harmonizing economic development and environmental conservation through sustainable agriculture that does not harm the environment, using soil and plant biomass management in organic production systems as a starting point. Unlike many agricultural production systems, organic agriculture offers a range of practices and techniques that potentially contribute to increase sustainability, including soil and plant biomas
Status: Completed Start date: Sat Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2012
Author(s): VILELA, G. F.; MANGABEIRA, J. A. de C.; MAGALHÃES, L. A.; TOSTO, S. G.
Este estudo teve como objetivos: 1) avaliar o desenvolvimento da agricultura orgânica nas regiões e estados do Brasil a partir dos dados do Cadastro Nacional de Produtores Orgânicos (CNPO) do Ministér... ...