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A cultivar de trigo irrigado BRS 264, desenvolvida pela Embrapa para o Cerrado do Brasil Central e atualmente a mais cultivada na região, alcançou uma marca histórica nesta safra....
Publishing date: 02/10/20
The cultivar BRS 394, known as the 'Cerrado improved wheat', was developed for irrigated cultivation in the Cerrado region of Central Brazil. Precocity, high yield potential — which can reach 8 tons p
Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2015 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Wheat
BRS 404 is an alternative for the cultivation of upland wheat in the Cerrado. It presents early cycle, commercial bread class and stability in flour production. BRS 404 was the first cultivar to prese
Product: Cultivar Launch year: 2014 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Wheat