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Com o lançamento do Centro de Inteligência da Fruticultura Baiana (CenterFrut), produtores, pesquisadores, técnicos, estudantes e formuladores de políticas públicas têm à...

Publishing date: 05/12/17

Está disponível para consulta na internet a base de dados oficiais mais recentes dos produtos pesquisados pela Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura (Cruz das Almas, BA): abacaxi, banana...

Publishing date: 06/03/17


Irrigation is the largest consumer of available water resources and the project will act on one of the main bottlenecks of this higher water consumption through irrigation, which is the management of water that enters the producers' plots and maintains a high water demand. The objective goal is to provide alternatives for increasing the water use efficiency of banana, papaya and pineapple fruit. The alternatives to be explored are the use of plant density increase for the banana tree; the use of

Status: Completed     Start date: Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2019