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Over 6,000 km of Amazonian rivers were explored to collect sediments to extract microorganisms. Fungi and bacteria of agricultural interest capable of combating phytopathogens and...
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A public-private partnership between Embrapa and the company Bioma is the first to offer an inoculant fully developed from Brazilian technology for the domestic market. The product...
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Estudo realizado por pesquisadores da Embrapa Solos (RJ) e de outras instituições brasileiras revela que quase metade do fósforo (P) aplicado na agricultura em forma de...
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*Content only available in Portuguese
Biofungicida à base de fungos Trichoderma sp. desenvolvido em parceria com o Instituto Matogrossense do Algodão (IMAmt) para o controle biológico principalmente da doença do mofo-branco n
...Product: Agrochemicals and similar chemical and/or biological products Launch year: 2020 Responsible Unit: Embrapa Environment