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In September, South Africa received the first batch of Brazilian mangoes. It comprised 25 tons exported after five years of negotiations. The transaction was only possible thanks...

Publishing date: 05/02/19


Industrial process applied to fresh mango (post-harvest), aiming to control the fruit fly. It consists of immersing the fruit in hot water (46.1⁰C) for 75 minutes (for fruits weighing less than 425

Agricultural practice: For post-harvest management     Launch year: 1990     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Cassava & Fruits


Author(s): SANTOS, A. E. O. dos; GRAVINA, G. de A.; BERBERT, P. A.; ASSIS, J. S. de; BATISTA, P. F.; SANTOS, O. O. dos

Estudou-se a associação do tratamento hidrotérmico e atmosfera modificada na conservação pós-colheita de mangas ‘Tommy Atkins’. A atmosfera modificada foi obtida através do uso de embalagens plásticas... ...

Repository: BDPA     Publication year: 2011