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Encontram-se abertas até 10/11/2023 as inscrições para licenciamento de produtores, por meio da oferta pública, com vistas à produção e comercialização de sementes da nova cultivar...
Publishing date: 22/09/23
Research has associated farmers' needs to the demands of the national pepper market.. New pepper has distinctive color and taste, and low pungency. The plant is large enough to...
Publishing date: 11/05/21
Pesquisadores da área de melhoramento genético desenvolveram as primeiras cultivares nacionais de pimenta-habanero, espécie originária do México, que além de ser bem picante possui...
Publishing date: 04/10/16
Peppers of the Capsicum genus are cultivated in every Brazilian state, especially in Goiás, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Ceará, Bahia, and Sergipe states, having a total estimated area of 5,000 hectares and a production of about 75,000 tons per year. The cultivation of peppers and bell peppers in Brazil has a strong family base and social importance since this activity is carried out predominantly by smallholder farmers and it is the main source of income for such families. Despite chili pepper bein ...
Status: Completed Start date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015