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The safe use of nanomaterials is a set of actions to prevent, minimize or eliminate risks to human, animal or environmental health, during the course of research, production, technological development, providing services and trade of nanomaterials. Among global efforts to standardize safety tests, the European consortium NanoReg stands out in addressing international issues regarding regulation in nanotechnology. Recently, the Interministerial Committee for Nanotechnology (CIN) approved the acce
Status: Completed Start date: Tue Dec 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015
Currently, Brazil is the fourth largest consumer of fertilizers in the entire world; on average, the fertilizers may represent from 25 to 40% of the variable cost of the most important agricultural production systems in the country. One of the main cost variables is the fact that great quantities of applied nutrients via fertilizers are lost through volatilization and leaching. Thusly, methods of nutrient fixation which allow their extended-release in the soil might contribute to a more rational
Status: Completed Start date: Sun Nov 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2009