General Search | Content Related to Área com sistemas lavoura-pecuária em Mato Grosso ultrapassa 2,6 milhões de hectares
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Through satellite images, it will be possible to annually monitor the adoption of Integrated Crop-Livestock (ICL) systems in the country. Artificial intelligence recognizes...
Publishing date: 28/09/21
The project aims at assessing methods and innovative techniques in the area of Remote Sensing and spatial data integration for detection in cultivation practices and production systems, especially integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems (ICLFs) and variations, which constitute one of the key points of the low carbon agriculture policy.
On a local scale, the goal is to evaluate the potential of new techniques and methodologies that apply to the new Sentinel 2 sensor with regard to the det ...
Status: Completed Start date: Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015
Author(s): SIMÕES, M.; NEVES, M. L.; FERRAZ, R. P. D.; FREITAS, P. L.
O Plano Brasileiro de Agricultura de Baixo Carbono (Plano ABC) é uma das iniciativas que coloca o clima na agenda agrícola para uma agricultura mais sustentável e adaptada, de acordo com as mudanças g... ...
Lançamento do Glossário ILPF
From: Embrapa
Posted in: 04/05/2021