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Nanotechnological dressing is able to slowly release the active ingredient contained within it. The base of the developed product is curcumin, a substance obtained from turmeric....
Publishing date: 10/08/21
It can work as a filter membrane that can remove contaminants like heavy metals, hormones and drugs from the water . Nanoproduct could also be raw material for intelligent labels...
Publishing date: 10/08/20
Researchers developed a new modified hydrogel-based fertilizer that can bring together water and nutrients and gradually release them. It rationalizes the use of nutrients, which...
Publishing date: 17/09/19
Produzir embalagens comestíveis de sabores e aromas cítricos ou picantes, como o maracujá e o pimentão. O esforço da pesquisa para reduzir as perdas de frutas e hortaliças no País...
Publishing date: 14/03/19