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Cultivar BRS Guariba
By: SUSSAI, Juliana
Amostra de grãos de feijão-caupi, BRS Guariba, do banco de germoplasma da Embrapa Meio-Norte.
Inoculante bacteriano
Inoculante bacteriano
Líder em Gana do projeto Scalling-up of the benefits of rhizobium inoculant technology among smallholder legume farmers in northern Ghana, desenvolvido em parceria com a Embrapa...
Publishing date: 27/11/17
After little more than six months since the installation of the first laboratory to produce inoculants in Ghana, Africa, with the support of Embrapa Agrobiology, the first fruits...
Publishing date: 08/06/17
With the aim of encouraging the use of inoculants in the cultivation of cowpeas and peanuts, traditional African crops, and increasing productivity, Embrapa helped to set up a lab...
Publishing date: 12/12/16
Cowpeas, peanuts and bambara groundnuts ( Vigna subterranea) are important pulses or dry grain legumes in the West of Africa; hence low cost technologies that increase their productivity could entail major nutritional and social impacts. Field experiments conducted in Ghana, in Africa, have shown 40% to 100% increments to production, after the use of rhizobium inoculants supplied by Embrapa.
In light of the above, the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research's Savanna Agricultu ...
Status: Completed Start date: Fri Aug 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2014
Author(s): RUMJANEK, N. G.; XAVIER, G. R.; MARTINS, L. M. V.; MORGADO, L. B.; NEVES, M. C. P.
A recomendação de estirpes para uso como inoculante microbiano de interesse agrícola, depende de uma análise técnica da eficiência agronômica dessas bactérias. Novas estirpes podem ser aprovadas como... ...