General Search | Content Related to Agroenergia em revista: microalgas.
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Embrapa Agroenergy (Brasília, DF) has developed a genetically modified microorganism that works as a biofactory that can produce an input used in the biofuel, food, beverage, paper...
Publishing date: 26/09/17
Researchers from Embrapa Agroenergy (Brasília, DF) are developing national technology to obtain and transform the raw material that is most likely to be the one most used in an...
Publishing date: 18/07/17
A Embrapa Agroenergia (DF) conseguiu identificar espécies de microalgas que podem ser cultivadas em resíduos líquidos de processos de agroindústrias, os efluentes. Esse cultivo...
Publishing date: 07/02/17