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The Embrapa 051 free-range laying hens are hybrid chickens, resulting from crossing the breeds Rhode Island Red with white Plymouth Rock, and selected by Embrapa Swine and Poultry. ...

Product: Animal breed, animal, semen, embryo (inc. GMO)     Launch year: 2021     Responsible Unit: Embrapa Swine & Poultry


This project aims to contribute to improving the management, quality and biosafety of commercial egg-laying barns, through the implementation of best practices in production and in the training of technicians and farmers. It is aimed at smallholders and mid-sized family farmers whose egg production derives from hens raised in traditional aviaries (California-type layer cages).

Compliance measures (hygienic-sanitary, management and constructive proposals) are some of the best practices t ...

Status: Completed     Start date: Tue Sep 01 00:00:00 GMT-03:00 2015